
If he were in her position, he would've thought the same. Instead he proceeded to unlock her cell door. Leah bolted right up, standing ready to attack when he entered. Instead, after he unlocked it, Alpha left the cell door wide open. He then walked away towards the cellar door. Leah didn't take her eyes off him.Alpha re-opened the cellar door and, just like her cell door, left it wide open. He returned to the middle of the room. Leah didn't budge from her position."Isn't this what you wanted? A chance to escape?" Alpha genuinely asked. Leah just looked at him with the same heated look."I know what you want. It's the same as all the others before you: a chance to get out of here. You've tried a couple times without any success. So I thought I would give you the chance to escape."Still no movement from Leah."You're wondering if this is some kind of trick. I don't blame you. But there is no trick. This is real. The only catch is that you have to get through me. That's it."Leah looked. Even they are so charming.I am given an apartment flat near to the college and on the 1st day I received call from the warden when am about to sleep. She asked about how I felt there etc etc..Speaking to her made me a little bit horny and that too I just taken 2 pegs of whiskey. I felt like trying my luck with her and it seems easy….I opened a porn site and raised the voice so that she came to make out. When she asked me what I am doing, I replied am watching movie. For which she asked which movie with a naughty smile. I told that there is some hot scene in the movie and she need not mistaken it for porn.After taking the things directly to porn, I asked her where she stays ? She replied that even she was given a flat in the same apartment with some more colleagues. I am more than shocked and asked her why not to visit my flat as am staying in the same place. She said she would call me back and switched off the phone. I am very much disappointed thinking that she would have felt bad.I.
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